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Note, this site is for new Feature Requests. Bug Reports should be emailed to Support as normal.

2 votes

Update all EXE's and DLL's to enable ASLR and DEP

Please update the PE headers of all EXE's and DLL's to enable ASLR and DEP. These are established technologies that help make EXE's and DLL's more secure. With an increased focus on security of programs, some companies will not use third-party products that are not themselves secure.

Category: SmartInspect > Console 0 comments
4 votes

save views config

keyword views rock: I create views when tracking down a bug. it would be incredibly helpful if I could save the configuration of the UI, including views, and then load a config for a particular debugging project

Category: SmartInspect > Console 0 comments
4 votes

Icon displayed should reflect level for generic message.

LogWarning, LogError, etc all have icons corresponding to their levels. However, generic calls like LogColored will alway show the Message level icon even if another level (Debug..Fatal) if not overridden by a specific graphic like database results, the appropriate level icon should be displayed.

Category: SmartInspect > Console 0 comments
5 votes

Product version should not be

Doing some automation that will automatically update the redistributable console as part of our own product installs for any of our software packages using it and noticed an issue. The installer has an actual product version number like but for the actual SmartConsole.EXEs, it is always The other product metadata should also be […]

Category: SmartInspect > Console 0 comments
3 votes

Add composite filters to a view

The basic filtering mechanism is great, but often is would be even better if multiple filters could be applied to a view. For example: In a single view it would be great to see just warnings and errors in SessionA AND All SessionB messages except for those beginning with "Checking for" AND all logging from […]

Category: SmartInspect > Console 0 comments
3 votes

Add Ability to lock Views in console

Any time the console is exited, all views are lost. Or if one autogenerates a lot of temporary views like views filtered on a threadID one cannot deleted just those temporary views. I propose a context menu option to be able to lock the current view and a menu option to deleted unlocked view. Thus […]

Category: SmartInspect > Console 0 comments
2 votes

Console: View Time Filters

Add new filter conditions to console views for start and end time. When double-clicking on a thread in the Process Flow, the start and (if not currently running) end times should be applied to the created view so that only the log entries for that particular process thread will be shown. This will cut back […]

Category: SmartInspect > Console 0 comments
1 vote

Zoom Font using shortcut keys

Enabled zooming in/out on the display font using shortcut keys( Ctrl +/- perhaps). Not sure about whether this should apply across the board or only in the focused view.

Category: SmartInspect > Console 0 comments
3 votes

Add prune functionality to the console.

One downside to using the console if you are doing a lot of logging is that it can run out of memory. Logging to files avoid this issue by rolling over new files and can be configured as to what triggers the role over. Would love to have something, similar for the console which would […]

Under Review Category: SmartInspect > Console 0 comments
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