ER/Studio Enterprise Team

Enterprise Architecture Modeling and Metadata


Data modellers and architects along with business and IT stakeholders must respond to multiple levels of data-related business needs, to help ensure that the business makes good decisions with the right information.


Some key activities that may be needed include:

  • Build out an enterprise data model

  • Represent business concepts with full documentation of attributes, definitions, relationships, etc.

  • Discover and document existing assets across the data landscape

  • Determine all data sources and manage transformation of data between staging area and data warehouse

  • Build the foundation for a data governance program

  • Catalog metadata for data governance or data quality initiatives

  • Perform an impact analysis of new policies or projected changes to models, databases, or data fields

  • Ensure consistency between models and databases, coordinating changes across development teams and BI analysts (change mgmt.)

Full details on what’s in ER/Studio Enterpise Team Edition are available on the ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition Product Page.


If you’d like to buy via a Company Quote, or if you are interested in Networked Licenses or Volume Licenses, please contact Sales.

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